IV. Privacy Policy


I. Legal Information

The Contact-Hotel Association of Independent Hoteliers

 A Voluntary Association under the French Law of 1901 With Receipted Declaration No. 087 200 8183

Registered with CNIL, the French National Commission on Data Processing and Personal Freedom under No. 1732765 v 0

SIRET (Company number): 407 535 137 00050 APE Activity Code: 9412Z

 Intra-community VAT number: FR 60 407 535 137

 Registered Office: 2 rue de Preize, 10000 Troyes, France

 Tel: +33 (0) - Fax: +33 (0)

In accordance with the French law dated 30 September 1986 relating to freedom of expression, this website has been designed and created by the Contact-Hotel Association. In accordance with the provisions of the French law dated 6 January 1978 relating to Data Processing, Records and Personal Freedom, all personal data held within this website may at any time be accessed, and may be rectified or deleted immediately, upon the request of the data subject by e-mail, telephone or fax. In accordance with the French law dated 11 March 1957, our visitors benefit from a personal, non-exclusive licence to view the content on the website. This licence includes the right to make a single copy of the pages of the website on a personal computer for backup purposes or for late viewing or to print a single copy. Any other use of the website content is prohibited. The Administrative Board of the CONTACT-HOTEL Association shall not under any circumstances be held liable for the content of any external links that are incorporated into the contact-hotel.com website. Links to pages on any contact-hotel.com website that are created from other websites may not involve the insertion of contact-hotel.com's web pages in any other site. Any infringement of these provisions may lead to criminal and/or civil penalties in accordance with copyright law. Information distributed via this site are provided by the hotels that are members of the Association are provided for information purposes only and are licensed solely for personal use. Contact-Hotel shall not be liable for any errors or omissions in any information contained on this website. Such information has been provided to us by Hoteliers, who shall be solely liable in respect thereof. Rates, promotional offers, and the scope of any services or products may be changed without notice. Services in hotels may be replaced, amended, or removed without notice. Information appearing on this website shall not constitute an offer to supply products or services on the part of the Contact Hotel Association, nor of any member hotels within its group, nor of any organisation that markets its products or services. The hotel excludes any liability in respect of the content of these pages or in respect of any use made by any person thereof. Any person who wishes to procure the products or services set out herein is requested to contact the hotel's booking service for details of the content and availability of the products or services in question, as well as any contractual terms and rates that may apply. CONTACT-HOTEL and the names of its member hotels (including their trading names or company names) and any variations in the form of logos are the registered trademarks of their respective owners. All names of services and their respective logos, as referenced or reproduced herein, are the registered trademarks of their respective owners.

© Copyright CONTACT HOTEL with a trademark registered under the following identity:

French Trademark

CH Trademark: CONTACT HOTEL (semi-figurative)

Registrant: Association Contact Hotel

 2 rue de Preize 10000 TROYES

Registrant's country: FR-87000

Agent: Yves Debay of Cabinet Debay

 126 Elysée 2 78170 La Celle Saint Cloud, France

Classes: CL43

Number: 3245875

Status: EN (Registered trade mark)

Date of registration: 2003-09-16

Place of registration: INPI Paris

Date of publication of application: 2003-10-2

Publication in the Official Journal of IP: 2003-43 (Publication)

Official Journal of IP: 2004-08 (Registered with modifications)

All information contained within the www.contact-hotel.com website is supplied as is. Contact-Hotel shall not be liable for the accuracy of such information, nor for any errors or omissions contained within this website. All rates and information is provided for information purposes only and may be changed at any time without notice. The general terms of sale and the applicable cancellation conditions are unique to each hotel.


We would like to thank the Regional Tourist Boards of the French Regions for their valuable copy and photography:

 CRT ALSACE Regional Tourist Board: http://www.tourisme-alsace.com

 CRT AQUITAINE Regional Tourist Board: http://www.tourisme-aquitaine.info

 CRT BURGUNDY Regional Tourist Board: http://www.bourgogne-tourisme.com

 CRT BRITTANY Regional Tourist Board: http://www.tourismebretagne.com

 CRT CENTRAL Regional Tourist Board: http://www.visaloire.com

 CRT CHAMPAGNE AND ARDENNES Regional Tourist Board: http://www.tourisme-champagne-ardenne.com

 CRT FRANCHE-COMTÉ Regional Tourist Board: http://www.franche-comte.org

 CRT Paris ÎLE-DE-FRANCE Regional Tourist Board: http://www.pidf.com

 CRT LANGUEDOC-ROUSSILLON Regional Tourist Board: http://www.sunfrance.com

 CRT LIMOUSIN Regional Tourist Board: http://www.tourismelimousin.com

 CRT LORRAINE Regional Tourist Board: http://www.crt-lorraine.fr

 CRT MIDI-PYRÉNÉES Regional Tourist Board: http://www.tourisme-midi-pyrenees.org

 CRT NORD-PAS-DE-CALAIS Regional Tourist Board: http://www.crt-nordpasdecalais.fr

 CRT NORMANDY Regional Tourist Board: http://www.normandy-tourism.org

 SEM LOIRE VALLEY Regional Tourist Board: http://www.enpaysdelaloire.com

 CRT PICARDY Regional Tourist Board: http://www.cr-picardie.fr

 CRT POITOU-CHARENTES Regional Tourist Board: http://www.poitou-charentes-vacances.com

 CRT PROVENCE-ALPES-CÔTE-D'AZUR Regional Tourist Board: http://www.crt-paca.fr

 CRT RIVIERA CÔTE-D'AZUR French Riviera Regional Tourist Board: http://www.guideriviera.com

 CRT RHÔNE-ALPES Regional Tourist Board: http://www.rhonealpes-tourisme.com

Note: The trademark is registered in colour.

Developed by: www.illicoweb.com

Hosted by: illicoweb.com


Contact Hotel makes use of the Mediation Tourisme & Voyage (MTV) mediation service. If you have contacted our staff or Contact Hotel's quality service  (http://satisfaction.contact-hotel.com) and have not received a satisfactory response within a period of sixty (60) days, you can contact MTV's mediator, whose contact details are available at www.mtv.travel

II. General terms of sale

 Click here to view the Ts & Cs

III. General terms of use for the Contact & Me Loyalty Programme

Click here to view the Ts & Cs for the Contact & Me Loyalty Programme

iv. privacy policy

Click here to view the privacy policy


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