Marion et Jacques Barthelemy
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The art of hospitality all in one place, set in beautiful natural surroundings, and with environmental responsibility in mind. Rooms, open areas and facilities designed for your comfort and well-being, including quiet business meetings. Take the D953, the best road to reach it easily.
Information & rates
Number of rooms 15
Breakfast 24.00 €
Minimum rate for a single room 89.00 €
Maximum rate for a double room 370.00 €
Evening stage : single room, dinner & breakfast (from) 85.00 €
Bed & Breakfast rate (from) 137.00 €
Les horaires
Ouverte tous les jours de 7h30 - 22h30
Du lundi au vendredi : 07:30-12:30
Samedi et dimanche : 07:30-12:30