Joan Amadei
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Perched atop what is known as the “picturesque capital,” the Cala di Greco Hotel in Bonifacio boasts an unrivaled view of the citadel, the sea, and Sardinia, whose coasts stand out amidst a sparkling Mediterranean that stretches as far as the eye can see. Surrounded by still wild maquis, the hotel is a breath of fresh air, imbued with the region’s characteristic fragrances.
Just a few minutes away, fine sandy beaches and turquoise waters beckon for an escape. The Cala di Greco Hotel is a promise of tranquility and discreet luxury, a place where every moment is a living painting of Bonifacio’s natural beauty.
Just a few minutes away, fine sandy beaches and turquoise waters beckon for an escape. The Cala di Greco Hotel is a promise of tranquility and discreet luxury, a place where every moment is a living painting of Bonifacio’s natural beauty.
Information & rates
Number of rooms 9
Minimum rate for a single room 138.00 €
Les horaires
Lundi au vendredi : 08h00-23h00