Catherine Dumont
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La Bastidie Hotel, a charming three-star establishment, is located in Noailhac, on the road to Brive, close to the picturesque villages of Collonges-La-Rouge, Turenne, and Curemonte, recognized among the most beautiful in France. Housed in a 17th-century building, the hotel is just a short 5-minute drive from Collonges-la-Rouge. It features a restaurant with a terrace and free Wi-Fi access.
Each air-conditioned room boasts a unique decor and is equipped with a desk, satellite TV, and a private bathroom with either a bathtub or shower. The hotel’s restaurant offers innovative cuisine made from fresh, seasonal produce, promising an authentic and flavorful gastronomic experience.
Each air-conditioned room boasts a unique decor and is equipped with a desk, satellite TV, and a private bathroom with either a bathtub or shower. The hotel’s restaurant offers innovative cuisine made from fresh, seasonal produce, promising an authentic and flavorful gastronomic experience.
Information & rates
Number of rooms 4