Caroline et Eric Monne
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La Bergerie is not just a mountain hotel; it’s a family story that welcomes you into a traditional Savoyard chalet in the heart of Morzine. Just steps from the slopes, this hotel combines the services of a luxury establishment with the comfort of a home. The rooms and suites, most equipped with kitchenettes, are carefully decorated, offering a warm and welcoming atmosphere. After a day of skiing or hiking, relax by the fire with a Kusmi tea, while the buffet breakfasts feature homemade jams and cakes. In the evening, children gather for a friendly meal while adults enjoy a cocktail at the bar. Each stay at La Bergerie is a unique experience, imbued with the family spirit of its founders, the former Olympic champion Jean Vuarnet and the Marullaz family, who have created an avant-garde place from the beginning. Today, Caroline and her family continue this tradition of warm hospitality, making La Bergerie a place where holidays are lived like at home, with family, as a couple, or with friends.
Information & rates
Number of rooms 29