Catherine Senac
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La Grange aux Marmottes is much more than just a hotel; it is a charming hamlet in the heart of the Pyrenees, nestled in the picturesque village of Viscos. Each room offers modern comfort, while the restaurant serves up delicious seasonal cuisine in a room adorned with Pyrenean decorations. For relaxation, a pool with a jacuzzi awaits you on sunny days, and in winter, the ambiance becomes more intimate by the fireplace, reminiscent of the spirit of a true mountain home.
La Grange aux Marmottes consists of several distinct living spaces: the main house with its welcoming restaurant and lounge, the Bergerie with cozy and modern rooms, and the Grange. Each space is designed to offer a timeless experience, immersing visitors in an authentic and natural setting, where a convivial atmosphere reigns supreme. Here, you are invited to live an unforgettable stay, enveloped by the spirit of the Pyrenean mountains.
La Grange aux Marmottes consists of several distinct living spaces: the main house with its welcoming restaurant and lounge, the Bergerie with cozy and modern rooms, and the Grange. Each space is designed to offer a timeless experience, immersing visitors in an authentic and natural setting, where a convivial atmosphere reigns supreme. Here, you are invited to live an unforgettable stay, enveloped by the spirit of the Pyrenean mountains.
Information & rates
Number of rooms 15