Anne-Charlotte Bernard
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Just steps away from the Collégiale, Le Clos Violette D’Aglaé is a luxurious apart-hotel that embodies the evolution of Isle-sur-la-Sorgue. With its medieval pillar overlooking the garden, a cross, and window frames dating back to the 15th century, the majority of this particular hotel originates from the 17th century, a pioneering period in the weaving industry.
Located a mere 50 meters from the heart of Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, renowned for its vibrant Provencal markets and iconic waterwheels, guests will be surprised by the tranquility of this residence. Fully renovated in 2022, this hotel offers services befitting the history and prestige of its surroundings.
Located a mere 50 meters from the heart of Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, renowned for its vibrant Provencal markets and iconic waterwheels, guests will be surprised by the tranquility of this residence. Fully renovated in 2022, this hotel offers services befitting the history and prestige of its surroundings.
Information & rates
Number of rooms 7
Minimum rate for a single room 180.00 €
Maximum rate for a double room 450.00 €
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