Cosy Place Hôtel Paris le Singulier***

38 rue Saint-Didier - 75016 Paris
Nejmedine Dechicha
Nejmedine Dechicha
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Nouvel hôtel 2024
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Cosy Place


Experience the elegance of Hotel Paris Le Singulier, located in the prestigious 16th arrondissement of Paris. Perfectly situated just a 10-minute walk from the iconic Eiffel Tower and 1 km from the Arc de Triomphe and the Champs-Élysées, our hotel offers a central location to explore Paris’s famous landmarks.

Unwind at our unique wine bar, nestled in a salon adorned with baroque decor, including elegant moldings, an original fireplace, and a refined chandelier – ideal for relaxing after a day of sightseeing.

Recently renovated, our hotel features 8 sophisticated rooms where the charm of the past seamlessly blends with contemporary design. Enjoy a chic and comfortable stay, and experience an unforgettable Parisian getaway.

Book your stay at Hotel Paris Le Singulier now for unparalleled comfort and elegance in the heart of Paris.

Information & rates

Number of rooms 8
Nouvel hôtel 2024

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  • Cosy Places

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